Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Every solid solution lies in chaos
The city that never stops to trace
rows of heart shapes and stars on windows, fog on glitter glass
names and twirls and cursive locked in condensation.

Breathe cold sweet into sick, languid lungs
Each firefly ember leads me to skin in dripping darkness and
insensitive fingertips
A Lost Boy asks,
"Is anyone ever not lonely, offensive, and furious?"
The familiar sting slips against your tongue, wearing holes
in each of your pockets.

I bought every single friendship bracelet for 20 bucks a pop on the street
Circling my wrists like rings on a tree, keeping each damn one for myself
I made twelve wishes, one for each of you, then walked uptown until every
avenue left a gingerbread trail of thread and beads and dust. I was gone.

I wanted to stay, to live in chaos
Chipping each toenail into concrete, wincing as my feet took root.